Trep Installation:

1. Install prerequisites

Trep requires that the following basic dependencies are installed:

You also need a C compiler installed and configured properly to compile Python extensions.

To install the basic prerequisites, run the following command:

sudo apt-get install python python-dev python-numpy python-scipy

The following packages are optional. Trep will work fine without them, but they are required to use any of the visualization tools:

To install the all prerequisites including visualizations, run the following command:

sudo apt-get install python python-dev python-opengl python-numpy python-scipy python-imaging \
 python-qt4 python-qt4-gl python-matplotlib freeglut3-dev

2.1. Installing with pip

Trep can be installed from the Python Package Index using pip. If you have already installed pip, install trep by running the following command

sudo pip install trep

2.2. Installing from source

Checkout the development version of trep from Github using the following

git clone -b master

Build trep with the following commands

cd trep
python build

After the compilation finishes, install trep with

sudo python install

If c-headers are needed to compile another extension against trep, run the following

sudo python install_headers

1.1. Installing with MacPorts

Mark Moll, one of the core developers of the Open Motion Planning Library, has created a MacPorts package for trep. If you have MacPorts installed, just update your package index with:

sudo port selfupdate

and install trep with:

sudo port install py27-trep

Alternatively, you can install py26-trep for Python 2.6. (Thanks Mark!)

1.2. Installing with pip

Trep can be also be installed from the Python Package Index using pip. See the Linux installation instructions for more details and required prerequisite packages.

1. Install prerequisites

The binaries that are provided for trep on Windows are compiled against recent versions of dependency libraries, therefore current versions of the following dependencies required to be installed prior to installing trep. 64-bit or 32-bit versions of trep are available depending on which Python format is installed.

Download links for python wheels are provided from Trep can also be installed on Python distributions such as Anaconda or Canopy provided that the correct dependency versions are installed.

The following packages are optional. Trep will work fine without them, but they are required to use any of the visualization tools:

Please ensure that all dependencies are installed prior to installing Trep.

2. Installing with pip

Binary wheel files are available for trep on the Python Package Index and can be installed using pip. Python 2.7.10 comes with pip by default, or it can be installed on previous versions. The wheel file can be installed by simply running:

pip install trep

Following installation, you can check to see if trep is working by opening a python shell and running

import trep

1. Installing from the ROS repository

Trep is available for the ROS Hydro and Indigo distributions. First, follow the ROS installation instructions available at

After ROS is installed, trep can be installed by simply running:


sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-python-trep


sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-python-trep

More information on using trep in ROS is available on the python_trep wiki page.