Interactive & Emergent Autonomy Lab

Katarina Popovic


My research seeks to improve human-robot teams by combining human-in-the-loop and big data methodologies for better intent prediction. I am interested in developing generalizable, task-agnostic frameworks that will adapt to dynamic environments while optimizing the human-robot team’s performance.


Active Perception in Human-Swarm Collaboration


B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Ergodic Specifications for Flexible Swarm Control: From User Commands to Persistent Adaptation
A. Prabhakar, I. Abraham, A. Taylor, M. Schlafly, K. Popovic, G. Diniz, B. Teich, B. Simidchieva, S. Clark, T. D. Murphey
Robotics Science and Systems, 2020. PDF Video