Interactive & Emergent Autonomy Lab


Active Learning and Data-Driven Control Active Perception in Human-Swarm Collaboration Algorithmic Matter and Emergent Computation Control for Nonlinear and Hybrid Systems Cyber Physical Systems in Uncertain Environments Harmonious Navigation in Human Crowds Information Maximizing Clinical Diagnostics Reactive Learning in Underwater Exploration Robot-Assisted Rehabilitation Software-Enabled Biomedical Devices

Robot-Assisted Rehabilitation


A virtual task and upper-limb assistive device

Experimental Setup

Students experimenting with software-enabled biomedical devices

Robot-assisted therapies offer a unique opportunity to personalize treatment by adapting in real time to the individual’s needs and capabilities. In this work we aim to evaluate the benefits of online performance-based adaptation of task goals and levels of assistance during intervention protocols.


Ola Kalinowska (Ph.D. Student)
Katie Fitzsimons (Ph.D. Student)
Kyra Rudy (Ph.D. Student)


Julius Dewald, Northwestern University


Shoulder abduction loading affects motor coordination in individuals with chronic stroke, informing targeted rehabilitation
A. Kalinowska, K. Rudy, M. Schlafly, K. Fitzsimons, J. Dewald and T. D. Murphey
IEEE RAS/EMBS Int. Conf. on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob), 2020. PDF