Harmonious Navigation in Human Crowds

This project aims to enable seamless robot navigation in human crowds; such capability is critical for bringing robots into our daily lives. We develop the theoretical foundation for interactive navigation decision-making when anticipating inherently uncertain human behavior by combining tools from game theory, Bayesian statistics, and active learning. Furthermore, we develop full-stack robot navigation systems to verify the algorithm with dense crowds in unstructured real-world environments, with fully on-board computation and perception.
Muchen Sun (Ph.D. Student)
Peter Trautman, Honda Research Institute (USA)
Move Beyond Trajectories: Distribution Space Coupling for Crowd Navigation
M. Sun, F. Baldini, P. Trautman, T. D. Murphey
Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS), 2021. PDF, Video, Code
This project is funded by Honda Research Institute (USA).
Other Projects
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Cyber Physical Systems in Uncertain Environments
Harmonious Navigation in Human Crowds
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